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Friday, July 2, 2010

Simply Outrageous!

There can be no justification for the hefty pay hike our legislators have awarded themselves yet again, especially at a time when the so-called Akiwumi report was so awaited by Kenyans as we thought finally someone had brought sanity to the way our leaders are remunerated. My, were we wrong!

It’s an insult to Kenyans as the whole point was to not only review the salaries to make them reasonable and not burdensome to the country, but also to introduce taxation for the legislators allowances. And the report, together with the MPs, found a perfect solution for this – simply increase the salary, that way taxation will not matter, you’ll still take home much more than you’re taking now!

How long do our leaders think they can take Kenyans for granted and get away scotfree? Have they forgotten where we’ve come from, and how many obstacles we’ve so far overcome, and that, if they become an obstacle to Kenyans and the development of our nation, we will overcome them too?

There can be no justification for a ‘Developing economy’ to pay its legislators much more than those of ‘Developed economies’. Is that so hard to understand, to figure out? And if the reasoning is that they are working in hardship areas, then so are all Kenyans, so let’s go ahead and double the pay of every single Kenyan! Our legislators can argue and reason till they are blue in the face, but they know and so does everyone else that this is simply gross misuse of power and public funds. It is Parliamentary dictatorship, no less.

Sadly our politicians are not known to pay much attention to the cries and sentiments of the masses. So they’ll probably go ahead and enact the outrageous proposals. But it will not always be like that, and that’s a promise. If they don’t care, God, who listens to the cry of His people and comes to the rescue of the poor, will care, and act accordingly, and that, sooner rather than later.

The system has failed us. We must, as a nation, come up with a system that ensures this kind of thing never happens again. We must think of ways to deny the politicians the very unreasonable privilege of deciding their own paycheques... I mean who else does that, unless you run a sole proprietorship? and even then you must take into account income versus expenditure otherwise you bankrupt yourself....

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